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46CXX Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces
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Analyse mathematique IV / Godement, Roger
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 13981 26C101 imprimé / autre CRDM 26/FONCTIONS DE VARIABLES REELLES Disponible Functional analysis / R. Larsen
Titre : Functional analysis : an introduction Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : R. Larsen Editeur : New York, NY : Marcel Dekker Année de publication : 1973 Collection : Pure and Applied Mathematics num. 15 Importance : xvi - 497 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-8247-6042-7 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 46-XX Functional analysis :46-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
46-XX Functional analysis :46AXX Topological linear spaces and related structures
46-XX Functional analysis :46CXX Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces
47-XX Operator theory:47AXX General theory of linear operators:47A10 Spectrum, resolvent
47-XX Operator theory:47HXX Nonlinear operators and their properties :47H10 Fixed-point theoremsMots-clés : topological linear spaces fixed point theorems hilbert spaces functional analysi Index. décimale : 46C Monographie Functional analysis : an introduction [texte imprimé] / R. Larsen . - New York, NY : Marcel Dekker, 1973 . - xvi - 497 p.. - (Pure and Applied Mathematics; 15) .
ISBN : 978-0-8247-6042-7
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 46-XX Functional analysis :46-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
46-XX Functional analysis :46AXX Topological linear spaces and related structures
46-XX Functional analysis :46CXX Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces
47-XX Operator theory:47AXX General theory of linear operators:47A10 Spectrum, resolvent
47-XX Operator theory:47HXX Nonlinear operators and their properties :47H10 Fixed-point theoremsMots-clés : topological linear spaces fixed point theorems hilbert spaces functional analysi Index. décimale : 46C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 1083 46C185 imprimé / autre CRDM 46/ANALYSE FONCTIONNELLE Disponible Introduction to Hilbert space / Berberian, Sterling K.
Titre : Introduction to Hilbert space Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Berberian, Sterling K. Editeur : New York, NY : Oxford University Press Année de publication : 1961 Importance : xi - 206 p. Langues : Anglais Catégories : 46-XX Functional analysis :46-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
46-XX Functional analysis :46CXX Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces
47-XX Operator theory:47BXX Special classes of linear operators:47B06 Riesz operators; eigenvalue distributions; approximation numbers, $s$-numbers, Kolmogorov numbers, entropy numbers, etc. of operatorsMots-clés : eigenvalue distributions riesz operators functional analysis hilbert spaces Index. décimale : 46C Monographie Introduction to Hilbert space [texte imprimé] / Berberian, Sterling K. . - New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 1961 . - xi - 206 p.
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 46-XX Functional analysis :46-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
46-XX Functional analysis :46CXX Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces
47-XX Operator theory:47BXX Special classes of linear operators:47B06 Riesz operators; eigenvalue distributions; approximation numbers, $s$-numbers, Kolmogorov numbers, entropy numbers, etc. of operatorsMots-clés : eigenvalue distributions riesz operators functional analysis hilbert spaces Index. décimale : 46C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 4457 46C19 imprimé / autre CRDM 46/ANALYSE FONCTIONNELLE Disponible 18168 46C19 imprimé / autre CRDM 46/ANALYSE FONCTIONNELLE Disponible Introduction to Hilbert space / Berberian, Sterling K.
Titre : Introduction to Hilbert space Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Berberian, Sterling K. Mention d'édition : 2nd corr. ed. Editeur : New York, N.Y : Chelsea Publishing Company Année de publication : 1976 Importance : xi - 206 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-8284-0287-3 Note générale : Avec dédicace de l'auteur Langues : Anglais Catégories : 46-XX Functional analysis :46-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
46-XX Functional analysis :46CXX Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces
47-XX Operator theory:47BXX Special classes of linear operators:47B06 Riesz operators; eigenvalue distributions; approximation numbers, $s$-numbers, Kolmogorov numbers, entropy numbers, etc. of operatorsMots-clés : hilbert spaces functional analysis Index. décimale : 46C Monographie Introduction to Hilbert space [texte imprimé] / Berberian, Sterling K. . - 2nd corr. ed. . - New York, N.Y : Chelsea Publishing Company, 1976 . - xi - 206 p.
ISBN : 978-0-8284-0287-3
Avec dédicace de l'auteur
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 46-XX Functional analysis :46-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
46-XX Functional analysis :46CXX Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces
47-XX Operator theory:47BXX Special classes of linear operators:47B06 Riesz operators; eigenvalue distributions; approximation numbers, $s$-numbers, Kolmogorov numbers, entropy numbers, etc. of operatorsMots-clés : hilbert spaces functional analysis Index. décimale : 46C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 16695 46C20 imprimé / autre CRDM 46/ANALYSE FONCTIONNELLE Disponible Introductory functional analysis with applications / Kreyszig, E.
Titre : Introductory functional analysis with applications Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Kreyszig, E. Editeur : New York, NY : John Wiley & Sons Année de publication : 1978 Importance : xiv - 688 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-471-50731-4 Langues : Anglais Langues originales : Anglais Catégories : 46-XX Functional analysis :46-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
46-XX Functional analysis :46BXX Normed linear spaces and Banach spaces; Banach lattices
46-XX Functional analysis :46CXX Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces
47-XX Operator theory:47BXX Special classes of linear operators:47B06 Riesz operators; eigenvalue distributions; approximation numbers, $s$-numbers, Kolmogorov numbers, entropy numbers, etc. of operators
47-XX Operator theory:47BXX Special classes of linear operators:47B15 Hermitian and normal operators (spectral measures, functional calculus, etc.)
47-XX Operator theory:47BXX Special classes of linear operators:47B25 Symmetric and selfadjoint operators (unbounded)Mots-clés : unbounded operators in quantum mechanics spectral theory of bounded selfadjoint operators spectrum compact linear operators banach fixed point theorem hilbert space banach space normed space metric space Index. décimale : 46C Monographie Introductory functional analysis with applications [texte imprimé] / Kreyszig, E. . - New York, NY : John Wiley & Sons, 1978 . - xiv - 688 p.
ISBN : 978-0-471-50731-4
Langues : Anglais Langues originales : Anglais
Catégories : 46-XX Functional analysis :46-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
46-XX Functional analysis :46BXX Normed linear spaces and Banach spaces; Banach lattices
46-XX Functional analysis :46CXX Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces
47-XX Operator theory:47BXX Special classes of linear operators:47B06 Riesz operators; eigenvalue distributions; approximation numbers, $s$-numbers, Kolmogorov numbers, entropy numbers, etc. of operators
47-XX Operator theory:47BXX Special classes of linear operators:47B15 Hermitian and normal operators (spectral measures, functional calculus, etc.)
47-XX Operator theory:47BXX Special classes of linear operators:47B25 Symmetric and selfadjoint operators (unbounded)Mots-clés : unbounded operators in quantum mechanics spectral theory of bounded selfadjoint operators spectrum compact linear operators banach fixed point theorem hilbert space banach space normed space metric space Index. décimale : 46C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 9752 46C178 imprimé / autre CRDM 46/ANALYSE FONCTIONNELLE Disponible