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81T08 Constructive quantum field theory

Collected works. Vol. 5 / Atiyah, Michael F.
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 8528 01 ATI imprimé / autre CRDM 01//OEUVRES COMPLETES Disponible Diagram techniques in group theory / Stedman, G.
Titre : Diagram techniques in group theory Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Stedman, G. Editeur : Cambridge : Cambridge University Press Année de publication : 1990 Importance : xii - 308 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-521-32787-9 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 20-XX Group theory and generalizations:20-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
20-XX Group theory and generalizations:20CXX Representation theory of groups :20C35 Applications of group representations to physics
22-XX Topological groups, Lie groups :22EXX Lie groups :22E70 Applications of Lie groups to physics; explicit representations
81-XX Quantum theory:81QXX General mathematical topics and methods in quantum theory:81Q30 Feynman integrals and graphs; applications of algebraic topology and algebraic geometry
81-XX Quantum theory:81RXX Groups and algebras in quantum theory:81R10 Infinite-dimensional groups and algebras motivated by physics, including Virasoro, Kac-Moody, $W$-algebras and other current algebras and their representations
81-XX Quantum theory:81SXX General quantum mechanics and problems of quantization:81S40 Path integrals
81-XX Quantum theory:81TXX Quantum field theory; related classical field theories :81T08 Constructive quantum field theoryMots-clés : casimir operators killing form jacobi identities lie algebras lie groups diagrammatic representation phase groups wigner-eckart theorem nj symbols clebsch-gordan coefficients exercises quantum mechanics field theoretic diagrams feynman diagrams Index. décimale : 20C Monographie Diagram techniques in group theory [texte imprimé] / Stedman, G. . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990 . - xii - 308 p.
ISBN : 978-0-521-32787-9
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 20-XX Group theory and generalizations:20-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
20-XX Group theory and generalizations:20CXX Representation theory of groups :20C35 Applications of group representations to physics
22-XX Topological groups, Lie groups :22EXX Lie groups :22E70 Applications of Lie groups to physics; explicit representations
81-XX Quantum theory:81QXX General mathematical topics and methods in quantum theory:81Q30 Feynman integrals and graphs; applications of algebraic topology and algebraic geometry
81-XX Quantum theory:81RXX Groups and algebras in quantum theory:81R10 Infinite-dimensional groups and algebras motivated by physics, including Virasoro, Kac-Moody, $W$-algebras and other current algebras and their representations
81-XX Quantum theory:81SXX General quantum mechanics and problems of quantization:81S40 Path integrals
81-XX Quantum theory:81TXX Quantum field theory; related classical field theories :81T08 Constructive quantum field theoryMots-clés : casimir operators killing form jacobi identities lie algebras lie groups diagrammatic representation phase groups wigner-eckart theorem nj symbols clebsch-gordan coefficients exercises quantum mechanics field theoretic diagrams feynman diagrams Index. décimale : 20C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 11111 20C238 imprimé / autre CRDM 20/THEORIE DES GROUPES GENERALISATIONS Disponible les Equations de Yang-Mills / Douady, Adrien ; Verdier, Jean-Louis
Titre : les Equations de Yang-Mills Titre original : seminaire E.N.S. 1977-1978. Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Douady, Adrien ; Verdier, Jean-Louis, Editeur scientifique Editeur : Paris : Société Mathématiques de France Année de publication : 1980 Collection : Astérisque, ISSN 0303-1179 num. 71-72. Importance : 237 p. Langues : Français Catégories : 14-XX Algebraic geometry:14FXX (Co)homology theory :14F05 Vector bundles, sheaves, related constructions
32-XX Several complex variables and analytic spaces :32LXX Holomorphic fiber spaces :32L05 Holomorphic bundles and generalizations
81-XX Quantum theory:81TXX Quantum field theory; related classical field theories :81T08 Constructive quantum field theoryMots-clés : yang-mills bundles penrose transformation yang-mills theory e.n.s. paris equations de yang-mills seminaire Index. décimale : AST les Equations de Yang-Mills = seminaire E.N.S. 1977-1978. [texte imprimé] / Douady, Adrien ; Verdier, Jean-Louis, Editeur scientifique . - Paris : Société Mathématiques de France, 1980 . - 237 p.. - (Astérisque, ISSN 0303-1179; 71-72.) .
Langues : Français
Catégories : 14-XX Algebraic geometry:14FXX (Co)homology theory :14F05 Vector bundles, sheaves, related constructions
32-XX Several complex variables and analytic spaces :32LXX Holomorphic fiber spaces :32L05 Holomorphic bundles and generalizations
81-XX Quantum theory:81TXX Quantum field theory; related classical field theories :81T08 Constructive quantum field theoryMots-clés : yang-mills bundles penrose transformation yang-mills theory e.n.s. paris equations de yang-mills seminaire Index. décimale : AST Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 14509 AST/71-72 imprimé / autre CRDM AST/ASTÉRISQUE Disponible Mathematical quantum theory II / Feldman, J.
Titre : Mathematical quantum theory II : Schrödinger operators Titre original : proceedings of the Canadian Mathematical Society annual seminar on mathematical quantum theory held in Vancouver, Canada, August 4-14, 1993 Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Feldman, J. ; Froese, R. Rosen, L. M. Editeur : Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society Année de publication : 1995 Collection : CRM, Proceedings and Lecture Notes num. 08 Importance : vii - 304 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-8218-0366-0 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 00-XX General:00BXX Conference proceedings and collections of papers:00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
81-XX Quantum theory:81-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc.
81-XX Quantum theory:81TXX Quantum field theory; related classical field theories :81T08 Constructive quantum field theoryMots-clés : vancouver (canada) seminar proceedings schr?ger operators quantum theory mathematical quantum theory Index. décimale : 81B Publication collective Mathematical quantum theory II = proceedings of the Canadian Mathematical Society annual seminar on mathematical quantum theory held in Vancouver, Canada, August 4-14, 1993 : Schrödinger operators [texte imprimé] / Feldman, J. ; Froese, R. Rosen, L. M. . - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 1995 . - vii - 304 p.. - (CRM, Proceedings and Lecture Notes; 08) .
ISBN : 978-0-8218-0366-0
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 00-XX General:00BXX Conference proceedings and collections of papers:00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
81-XX Quantum theory:81-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc.
81-XX Quantum theory:81TXX Quantum field theory; related classical field theories :81T08 Constructive quantum field theoryMots-clés : vancouver (canada) seminar proceedings schr?ger operators quantum theory mathematical quantum theory Index. décimale : 81B Publication collective Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 1836 81B13 imprimé / autre CRDM 81/MECANIQUE QUANTIQUE Disponible Monopoles, minimal surfaces and algebraic curves / Nigel James Hitchin
Titre : Monopoles, minimal surfaces and algebraic curves Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Nigel James Hitchin Editeur : Montreal : Les Presses de l'Universite de Montreal Année de publication : 1987 Collection : Seminaire de mathematiques superieures num. 105 Importance : 94 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-7606-0801-6 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 53-XX Differential geometry :53-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
53-XX Differential geometry :53CXX Global differential geometry :53C15 General geometric structures on manifolds (almost complex, almost product structures, etc.)
53-XX Differential geometry :53CXX Global differential geometry :53C55 Hermitian and Kählerian manifolds
81-XX Quantum theory:81-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
81-XX Quantum theory:81TXX Quantum field theory; related classical field theories :81T08 Constructive quantum field theoryMots-clés : liouville equation nahm equations quaternionic structures g-symplectic manifolds momentum vanishing condition gauge field theory algebraic curves Index. décimale : 53C Monographie Monopoles, minimal surfaces and algebraic curves [texte imprimé] / Nigel James Hitchin . - Montreal : Les Presses de l'Universite de Montreal, 1987 . - 94 p.. - (Seminaire de mathematiques superieures; 105) .
ISBN : 978-2-7606-0801-6
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 53-XX Differential geometry :53-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
53-XX Differential geometry :53CXX Global differential geometry :53C15 General geometric structures on manifolds (almost complex, almost product structures, etc.)
53-XX Differential geometry :53CXX Global differential geometry :53C55 Hermitian and Kählerian manifolds
81-XX Quantum theory:81-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
81-XX Quantum theory:81TXX Quantum field theory; related classical field theories :81T08 Constructive quantum field theoryMots-clés : liouville equation nahm equations quaternionic structures g-symplectic manifolds momentum vanishing condition gauge field theory algebraic curves Index. décimale : 53C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 1994 53C20 imprimé / autre CRDM 53/GEOMETRIE DIFFERENTIELLE Disponible Rigorous quantum field theory / Iagolnitzer, D. ; Buchholz, D. ; Anne Boutet de Monvel ; U. Moschella
PermalinkSupersymmetry and Supergravity / Wess, Julius
PermalinkYang-Mills fields and extension theory / Pool, Robert