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Bounded analytic functions. / Garnett, John B.
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 19267 30C118 imprimé / autre CRDM 30/FONCTIONS D'UNE VARIABLE COMPLEXE Disponible 19268 30C118 imprimé / autre CRDM 30/FONCTIONS D'UNE VARIABLE COMPLEXE Disponible An introduction to infinite ergodic theory / Jon Aaronson
Titre : An introduction to infinite ergodic theory Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Jon Aaronson Editeur : Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society Année de publication : 1997 Collection : Mathematical Surveys and Monographs num. 50 Importance : xii - 284 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-8218-0494-0 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 28-XX Measure and integration :28-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
28-XX Measure and integration :28DXX Measure-theoretic ergodic theory :28D05 Measure-preserving transformations
37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory :37AXX Ergodic theory :37A99 None of the above, but in this section
37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory :37DXX Dynamical systems with hyperbolic behavior:37D40 Dynamical systems of geometric origin and hyperbolicity (geodesic and horocycle flows, etc.)
37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory :37EXX Low-dimensional dynamical systems:37E99 None of the above, but in this section
53-XX Differential geometry :53DXX Symplectic geometry, contact geometry :53D25 Geodesic flows
60-XX Probability theory and stochastic processes :60GXX Stochastic processes:60G50 Sums of independent random variables; random walksMots-clés : infinite invariant measures null recurrence random walk infinite measure-preserving transformations infinite ergodic theory Markov maps inner functions geodesic flows on hyperbolic surfaces cocycles skew products Index. décimale : 28C Monographie An introduction to infinite ergodic theory [texte imprimé] / Jon Aaronson . - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 1997 . - xii - 284 p.. - (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs; 50) .
ISBN : 978-0-8218-0494-0
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 28-XX Measure and integration :28-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
28-XX Measure and integration :28DXX Measure-theoretic ergodic theory :28D05 Measure-preserving transformations
37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory :37AXX Ergodic theory :37A99 None of the above, but in this section
37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory :37DXX Dynamical systems with hyperbolic behavior:37D40 Dynamical systems of geometric origin and hyperbolicity (geodesic and horocycle flows, etc.)
37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory :37EXX Low-dimensional dynamical systems:37E99 None of the above, but in this section
53-XX Differential geometry :53DXX Symplectic geometry, contact geometry :53D25 Geodesic flows
60-XX Probability theory and stochastic processes :60GXX Stochastic processes:60G50 Sums of independent random variables; random walksMots-clés : infinite invariant measures null recurrence random walk infinite measure-preserving transformations infinite ergodic theory Markov maps inner functions geodesic flows on hyperbolic surfaces cocycles skew products Index. décimale : 28C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 12650 28C120 imprimé / autre CRDM 28/MESURE ET INTEGRATION Disponible 18255 28C120 imprimé / autre CRDM 28/MESURE ET INTEGRATION Disponible Operators of class C 0 with spectra in multiply connected regions / Zucchi Adele
Titre : Operators of class C 0 with spectra in multiply connected regions Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Zucchi Adele, Auteur Editeur : Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society Année de publication : 1997 Collection : Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0065-9266 num. 607 Importance : 52 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-8218-0626-5 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 30-XX Functions of a complex variable :30DXX Entire and meromorphic functions, and related topics:30D55 $H^p$-classes
47-XX Operator theory:47AXX General theory of linear operators:47A45 Canonical models for contractions and nonselfadjoint operators
47-XX Operator theory:47AXX General theory of linear operators:47A60 Functional calculusMots-clés : Hardy space Jordan operator C 0 contractions canonical models for contractions inner functions covering projection map single-valued holomorphic functions class C 00 classification theory of C 0 operators Index. décimale : Mem Operators of class C 0 with spectra in multiply connected regions [texte imprimé] / Zucchi Adele, Auteur . - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 1997 . - 52 p.. - (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0065-9266; 607) .
ISBN : 978-0-8218-0626-5
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 30-XX Functions of a complex variable :30DXX Entire and meromorphic functions, and related topics:30D55 $H^p$-classes
47-XX Operator theory:47AXX General theory of linear operators:47A45 Canonical models for contractions and nonselfadjoint operators
47-XX Operator theory:47AXX General theory of linear operators:47A60 Functional calculusMots-clés : Hardy space Jordan operator C 0 contractions canonical models for contractions inner functions covering projection map single-valued holomorphic functions class C 00 classification theory of C 0 operators Index. décimale : Mem Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 19207 Mem/607 imprimé / autre CRDM Mem/MEMOIRS AMS Disponible