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34CXX Qualitative theory
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Chaos near resonance / Haller, G.
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 14085 34C90 imprimé / autre CRDM 34/EQUATIONS DIFFERENTIELLES ORDINAIRES Disponible 13839 34C90 imprimé / autre CRDM 34/EQUATIONS DIFFERENTIELLES ORDINAIRES Disponible Differential equations and their applications / Martin Braun
Titre : Differential equations and their applications : an introduction to applied mathematics Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Martin Braun Mention d'édition : 4th ed. Editeur : New York, NY : Springer Année de publication : 1993 Collection : Texts in Applied Mathematics num. 11 Importance : 578 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 350978941 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34-04 Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming)
34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34AXX General theory:34A30 Linear equations and systems, general
34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34AXX General theory:34A45 Theoretical approximation of solutions
34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34CXX Qualitative theory
34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34DXX Stability theory :34D20 Lyapunov stability
65-XX Numerical analysis:65JXX Numerical analysis in abstract spaces:65J99 None of the above, but in this section
92-XX Biology and other natural sciences:92CXX Physiological, cellular and medical topics:92C50 Medical applications (general)Mots-clés : sturm-liouville boundary value problems pascal and c programs Index. décimale : 34C Monographie Differential equations and their applications : an introduction to applied mathematics [texte imprimé] / Martin Braun . - 4th ed. . - New York, NY : Springer, 1993 . - 578 p.. - (Texts in Applied Mathematics; 11) .
ISSN : 350978941
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34-04 Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming)
34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34AXX General theory:34A30 Linear equations and systems, general
34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34AXX General theory:34A45 Theoretical approximation of solutions
34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34CXX Qualitative theory
34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34DXX Stability theory :34D20 Lyapunov stability
65-XX Numerical analysis:65JXX Numerical analysis in abstract spaces:65J99 None of the above, but in this section
92-XX Biology and other natural sciences:92CXX Physiological, cellular and medical topics:92C50 Medical applications (general)Mots-clés : sturm-liouville boundary value problems pascal and c programs Index. décimale : 34C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 11230 34C06 imprimé / autre CRDM 34/EQUATIONS DIFFERENTIELLES ORDINAIRES Disponible Dynamics and bifurcations / Hale, Jack K.
Titre : Dynamics and bifurcations Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Hale, Jack K. ; Koçak, Hüseyin Editeur : New York, NY : Springer Année de publication : 1991 Collection : Texts in Applied Mathematics num. 03 Importance : xiv - 568 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-387-97141-4 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34CXX Qualitative theory
37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory :37GXX Local and nonlocal bifurcation theory :37G99 None of the above, but in this section
58-XX Global analysis, analysis on manifolds :58-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)Mots-clés : bifurcation theory qualitative theory of ordinary differential and difference equations Index. décimale : 58C Monographie Dynamics and bifurcations [texte imprimé] / Hale, Jack K. ; Koçak, Hüseyin . - New York, NY : Springer, 1991 . - xiv - 568 p.. - (Texts in Applied Mathematics; 03) .
ISBN : 978-0-387-97141-4
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34CXX Qualitative theory
37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory :37GXX Local and nonlocal bifurcation theory :37G99 None of the above, but in this section
58-XX Global analysis, analysis on manifolds :58-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)Mots-clés : bifurcation theory qualitative theory of ordinary differential and difference equations Index. décimale : 58C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 16455 58C116 imprimé / autre CRDM 58/ANALYSE GLOBALE ANALYSE SUR LES VARIETES Disponible Geometric theory of dynamical systems / Jacob Palis
Titre : Geometric theory of dynamical systems : an introduction Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Jacob Palis, Auteur ; Welington de Melo, Auteur Editeur : New York : Springer-Verlag Année de publication : 1982 Importance : xii - 198 p. Format : 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-4612-5705-9 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34CXX Qualitative theory
37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory :37CXX Smooth dynamical systems: general theory
58-XX Global analysis, analysis on manifolds :58-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)Mots-clés : elementary theory of smooth dynamical systems on manifolds Poincare- Bendixson theorem transversality hyperbolic singular points theorem of Grobman and Hartman stable manifold Kupka-Smale theorem Index. décimale : 58C Monographie Résumé : Geometric theory of dynamical systems : an introduction [texte imprimé] / Jacob Palis, Auteur ; Welington de Melo, Auteur . - New York : Springer-Verlag, 1982 . - xii - 198 p. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-1-4612-5705-9
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34CXX Qualitative theory
37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory :37CXX Smooth dynamical systems: general theory
58-XX Global analysis, analysis on manifolds :58-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)Mots-clés : elementary theory of smooth dynamical systems on manifolds Poincare- Bendixson theorem transversality hyperbolic singular points theorem of Grobman and Hartman stable manifold Kupka-Smale theorem Index. décimale : 58C Monographie Résumé : Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 22332 58C236 imprimé / autre CRDM 58/ANALYSE GLOBALE ANALYSE SUR LES VARIETES Disponible Methods of bifurcation theory / Chow, Shui N.
Titre : Methods of bifurcation theory Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Chow, Shui N. ; Hale, Jack K. Editeur : New York : Springer-Verlag Année de publication : 1982 Collection : Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften num. 251 Importance : xvi - 515 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-387-90664-5 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34CXX Qualitative theory
47-XX Operator theory:47-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
47-XX Operator theory:47JXX Equations and inequalities involving nonlinear operators :47J05 Equations involving nonlinear operators (general)Index. décimale : 47C Monographie Methods of bifurcation theory [texte imprimé] / Chow, Shui N. ; Hale, Jack K. . - New York : Springer-Verlag, 1982 . - xvi - 515 p.. - (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften; 251) .
ISBN : 978-0-387-90664-5
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34CXX Qualitative theory
47-XX Operator theory:47-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
47-XX Operator theory:47JXX Equations and inequalities involving nonlinear operators :47J05 Equations involving nonlinear operators (general)Index. décimale : 47C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 6304 47C76 imprimé / autre CRDM 47/THEORIE DES OPERATEURS Disponible Oscillations en biologie / Françoise, Jean-Pierre