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39A10 Difference equations, additive

Centralisateurs et conjugaison différentiable des difféomorphismes du cercle / Jean-Christophe Yoccoz
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 16084 Thèse imprimé / autre CRDM THESES Disponible Lectures on representation theory Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations / Pavel Etingof
Titre : Lectures on representation theory Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Pavel Etingof ; Kirillov, Alexander Jr. ; Frenkel, Igor B. Editeur : Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society Année de publication : 1998 Collection : Mathematical Surveys and Monographs num. 58 Importance : xiv - 198 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-8218-0496-4 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 17-XX Nonassociative rings and algebras:17BXX Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras :17B37 Quantum groups (quantized enveloping algebras) and related deformations
17-XX Nonassociative rings and algebras:17BXX Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras :17B67 Kac-Moody algebras (structure and representation theory)
35-XX Partial differential equations:35QXX Equations of mathematical physics and other areas of application :35Q40 Equations from quantum mechanics
39-XX Difference and functional equations:39AXX Difference equations :39A10 Difference equations, additive
81-XX Quantum theory:81-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
81-XX Quantum theory:81TXX Quantum field theory; related classical field theories :81T40 Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc.Mots-clés : intertwining operators quantum affine algebras quantum knizhnik-zamolodchikov equations classical knizhnik-zamolodchikov equations classical affine algebras evaluation representations highest weight representations Index. décimale : 81C Monographie Lectures on representation theory Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations [texte imprimé] / Pavel Etingof ; Kirillov, Alexander Jr. ; Frenkel, Igor B. . - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 1998 . - xiv - 198 p.. - (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs; 58) .
ISBN : 978-0-8218-0496-4
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 17-XX Nonassociative rings and algebras:17BXX Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras :17B37 Quantum groups (quantized enveloping algebras) and related deformations
17-XX Nonassociative rings and algebras:17BXX Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras :17B67 Kac-Moody algebras (structure and representation theory)
35-XX Partial differential equations:35QXX Equations of mathematical physics and other areas of application :35Q40 Equations from quantum mechanics
39-XX Difference and functional equations:39AXX Difference equations :39A10 Difference equations, additive
81-XX Quantum theory:81-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
81-XX Quantum theory:81TXX Quantum field theory; related classical field theories :81T40 Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc.Mots-clés : intertwining operators quantum affine algebras quantum knizhnik-zamolodchikov equations classical knizhnik-zamolodchikov equations classical affine algebras evaluation representations highest weight representations Index. décimale : 81C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 11649 81C144 imprimé / autre CRDM 81/MECANIQUE QUANTIQUE Disponible 12231 81C144 imprimé / autre CRDM 81/MECANIQUE QUANTIQUE Disponible Rostocker mathematisches kolloquium - Heft 55 / Xiaolin, He ; Jianfeng, Mao ; Liu, quingtao ; Wang, Haiping ; Liu, Zeqing ; Berg, Lothar
Titre : Rostocker mathematisches kolloquium - Heft 55 Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Xiaolin, He ; Jianfeng, Mao ; Liu, quingtao ; Wang, Haiping ; Liu, Zeqing ; Berg, Lothar Editeur : Rostock : Universität Rostock Année de publication : 2001 Importance : 88 p. Langues : Anglais Catégories : 35-XX Partial differential equations:35AXX General theory:35A05 General existence and uniqueness theorems
35-XX Partial differential equations:35JXX Partial differential equations of elliptic type :35J20 Variational methods for second-order, elliptic equations
35-XX Partial differential equations:35JXX Partial differential equations of elliptic type :35J60 Nonlinear PDE of elliptic type
39-XX Difference and functional equations:39AXX Difference equations :39A10 Difference equations, additive
39-XX Difference and functional equations:39BXX Functional equations :39B72 Systems of functional equations and inequalities
41-XX Approximations and expansions :41A29 Approximation with constraints
47-XX Operator theory:47HXX Nonlinear operators and their properties :47H10 Fixed-point theorems
49-XX Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization :49JXX Existence theories:49J40 Variational methods including variational inequalities
54-XX General topology :54HXX Connections with other structures, applications:54H25 Fixed-point and coincidence theoremsRostocker mathematisches kolloquium - Heft 55 [texte imprimé] / Xiaolin, He ; Jianfeng, Mao ; Liu, quingtao ; Wang, Haiping ; Liu, Zeqing ; Berg, Lothar . - Rostock : Universität Rostock, 2001 . - 88 p.
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 35-XX Partial differential equations:35AXX General theory:35A05 General existence and uniqueness theorems
35-XX Partial differential equations:35JXX Partial differential equations of elliptic type :35J20 Variational methods for second-order, elliptic equations
35-XX Partial differential equations:35JXX Partial differential equations of elliptic type :35J60 Nonlinear PDE of elliptic type
39-XX Difference and functional equations:39AXX Difference equations :39A10 Difference equations, additive
39-XX Difference and functional equations:39BXX Functional equations :39B72 Systems of functional equations and inequalities
41-XX Approximations and expansions :41A29 Approximation with constraints
47-XX Operator theory:47HXX Nonlinear operators and their properties :47H10 Fixed-point theorems
49-XX Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization :49JXX Existence theories:49J40 Variational methods including variational inequalities
54-XX General topology :54HXX Connections with other structures, applications:54H25 Fixed-point and coincidence theoremsExemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 16624 colloque imprimé / autre CRDM COLLOQUES Disponible Rostocker mathematisches kolloquium - Heft 56 / Tintarev Kyril ; Chindler, Ian ; Megrez, Nasreddine ; Berg, Lothar ; Cardoulis, Laure ; Bouchemakh, Isma
Titre : Rostocker mathematisches kolloquium - Heft 56 Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Tintarev Kyril ; Chindler, Ian ; Megrez, Nasreddine ; Berg, Lothar ; Cardoulis, Laure ; Bouchemakh, Isma Editeur : Rostock : Universität Rostock Année de publication : 2002 Importance : 115 p. Langues : Anglais Catégories : 05-XX Combinatorics :05CXX Graph theory :05C65 Hypergraphs
06-XX Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures :06AXX Ordered sets:06A07 Combinatorics of partially ordered sets
11-XX Number theory:11BXX Sequences and sets:11B68 Bernoulli and Euler numbers and polynomials
11-XX Number theory:11CXX Polynomials and matrices:11C08 Polynomials
15-XX Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory:15A57 Other types of matrices (Hermitian, skew-Hermitian, etc.)
35-XX Partial differential equations:35JXX Partial differential equations of elliptic type :35J10 Schrödinger operator
35-XX Partial differential equations:35JXX Partial differential equations of elliptic type :35J20 Variational methods for second-order, elliptic equations
35-XX Partial differential equations:35JXX Partial differential equations of elliptic type :35J30 General theory of higher-order, elliptic equations
35-XX Partial differential equations:35JXX Partial differential equations of elliptic type :35J45 General theory of elliptic systems of PDE
35-XX Partial differential equations:35JXX Partial differential equations of elliptic type :35J60 Nonlinear PDE of elliptic type
39-XX Difference and functional equations:39AXX Difference equations :39A10 Difference equations, additive
39-XX Difference and functional equations:39BXX Functional equations :39B32 Equations for complex functions
46-XX Functional analysis :46FXX Distributions, generalized functions, distribution spaces :46F10 Operations with distributions
60-XX Probability theory and stochastic processes :60GXX Stochastic processes:60G44 Martingales with continuous parameterRostocker mathematisches kolloquium - Heft 56 [texte imprimé] / Tintarev Kyril ; Chindler, Ian ; Megrez, Nasreddine ; Berg, Lothar ; Cardoulis, Laure ; Bouchemakh, Isma . - Rostock : Universität Rostock, 2002 . - 115 p.
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 05-XX Combinatorics :05CXX Graph theory :05C65 Hypergraphs
06-XX Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures :06AXX Ordered sets:06A07 Combinatorics of partially ordered sets
11-XX Number theory:11BXX Sequences and sets:11B68 Bernoulli and Euler numbers and polynomials
11-XX Number theory:11CXX Polynomials and matrices:11C08 Polynomials
15-XX Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory:15A57 Other types of matrices (Hermitian, skew-Hermitian, etc.)
35-XX Partial differential equations:35JXX Partial differential equations of elliptic type :35J10 Schrödinger operator
35-XX Partial differential equations:35JXX Partial differential equations of elliptic type :35J20 Variational methods for second-order, elliptic equations
35-XX Partial differential equations:35JXX Partial differential equations of elliptic type :35J30 General theory of higher-order, elliptic equations
35-XX Partial differential equations:35JXX Partial differential equations of elliptic type :35J45 General theory of elliptic systems of PDE
35-XX Partial differential equations:35JXX Partial differential equations of elliptic type :35J60 Nonlinear PDE of elliptic type
39-XX Difference and functional equations:39AXX Difference equations :39A10 Difference equations, additive
39-XX Difference and functional equations:39BXX Functional equations :39B32 Equations for complex functions
46-XX Functional analysis :46FXX Distributions, generalized functions, distribution spaces :46F10 Operations with distributions
60-XX Probability theory and stochastic processes :60GXX Stochastic processes:60G44 Martingales with continuous parameterExemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 16623 colloque imprimé / autre CRDM COLLOQUES Disponible Second-order Sturm-Liouville difference equations and orthogonal polynomials / Alouf Jirari
Titre : Second-order Sturm-Liouville difference equations and orthogonal polynomials Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Alouf Jirari, Auteur Editeur : Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society Année de publication : 1995 Collection : Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0065-9266 num. 542 Importance : 138 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-8218-0359-2 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34BXX Boundary value problems :34B24 Sturm-Liouville theory
39-XX Difference and functional equations:39AXX Difference equations :39A10 Difference equations, additive
42-XX Fourier analysis:42CXX Nontrigonometric Fourier analysis:42C05 Orthogonal functions and polynomials, general theoryMots-clés : second-order Sturm-Liouville difference equations orthogonal polynomials boundary value problems Index. décimale : Mem Second-order Sturm-Liouville difference equations and orthogonal polynomials [texte imprimé] / Alouf Jirari, Auteur . - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 1995 . - 138 p.. - (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0065-9266; 542) .
ISBN : 978-0-8218-0359-2
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 34-XX Ordinary differential equations:34BXX Boundary value problems :34B24 Sturm-Liouville theory
39-XX Difference and functional equations:39AXX Difference equations :39A10 Difference equations, additive
42-XX Fourier analysis:42CXX Nontrigonometric Fourier analysis:42C05 Orthogonal functions and polynomials, general theoryMots-clés : second-order Sturm-Liouville difference equations orthogonal polynomials boundary value problems Index. décimale : Mem Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 19371 Mem/542 imprimé / autre CRDM Mem/MEMOIRS AMS Disponible Self-similarity and multiwavelets in higher dimensions / Carlos A. Cabrelli
PermalinkSome basic hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials that generalize Jacobi polynomials / Askey, Richard