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46G05 Derivatives
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Advanced calculus / Lynn H. Loomis
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 21650 46C326 imprimé / autre CRDM 46/ANALYSE FONCTIONNELLE Disponible Analyse Hilbertienne / Schwartz, Laurent
Titre : Analyse Hilbertienne Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Schwartz, Laurent Editeur : Paris : Hermann Année de publication : 1979 Collection : Collection Méthodes Importance : 297 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-7056-5897-7 Langues : Français Catégories : 46-XX Functional analysis :46CXX Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces :46C05 Hilbert and pre-Hilbert spaces: geometry and topology (including spaces with semidefinite inner product)
46-XX Functional analysis :46CXX Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces :46C99 None of the above, but in this section
46-XX Functional analysis :46GXX Measures, integration, derivative, holomorphy (all involving infinite-dimensional spaces) :46G05 DerivativesMots-clés : banach-steinhaus theorem baire category theorem closed graph theorem weak compacity theorem of ascoli fredholm alternative spectral theory integral operators hilbert- schmidt operators projection hilbert space banach space sesquilinear form Index. décimale : 104C Analyse Hilbertienne [texte imprimé] / Schwartz, Laurent . - Paris : Hermann, 1979 . - 297 p.. - (Collection Méthodes) .
ISBN : 978-2-7056-5897-7
Langues : Français
Catégories : 46-XX Functional analysis :46CXX Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces :46C05 Hilbert and pre-Hilbert spaces: geometry and topology (including spaces with semidefinite inner product)
46-XX Functional analysis :46CXX Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces :46C99 None of the above, but in this section
46-XX Functional analysis :46GXX Measures, integration, derivative, holomorphy (all involving infinite-dimensional spaces) :46G05 DerivativesMots-clés : banach-steinhaus theorem baire category theorem closed graph theorem weak compacity theorem of ascoli fredholm alternative spectral theory integral operators hilbert- schmidt operators projection hilbert space banach space sesquilinear form Index. décimale : 104C Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 1794 104C101 imprimé / autre CRDM 104/LICENCE ET MAITRISE Disponible 1793 104C101 imprimé / autre CRDM 104/LICENCE ET MAITRISE Disponible 1795 104C101 imprimé / autre CRDM 104/LICENCE ET MAITRISE Disponible Differential calculus and holomorphy / Jean-François Colombeau
Titre : Differential calculus and holomorphy : real and complex analysis in locally convex spaces Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Jean-François Colombeau Editeur : Amsterdam : North-holland publishing company Année de publication : 1982 Collection : Mathematics Studies num. 64 Importance : xii - 455 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-444-86397-3 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 46-XX Functional analysis :46-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
46-XX Functional analysis :46GXX Measures, integration, derivative, holomorphy (all involving infinite-dimensional spaces) :46G05 Derivatives
46-XX Functional analysis :46GXX Measures, integration, derivative, holomorphy (all involving infinite-dimensional spaces) :46G20 Infinite-dimensional holomorphyMots-clés : holomorphic mappings differentiable mappings polynomials multilinear mappings schwartz and nuclear spaces compact and nuclear mappings Index. décimale : 46C Monographie Differential calculus and holomorphy : real and complex analysis in locally convex spaces [texte imprimé] / Jean-François Colombeau . - Amsterdam : North-holland publishing company, 1982 . - xii - 455 p.. - (Mathematics Studies; 64) .
ISBN : 978-0-444-86397-3
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 46-XX Functional analysis :46-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
46-XX Functional analysis :46GXX Measures, integration, derivative, holomorphy (all involving infinite-dimensional spaces) :46G05 Derivatives
46-XX Functional analysis :46GXX Measures, integration, derivative, holomorphy (all involving infinite-dimensional spaces) :46G20 Infinite-dimensional holomorphyMots-clés : holomorphic mappings differentiable mappings polynomials multilinear mappings schwartz and nuclear spaces compact and nuclear mappings Index. décimale : 46C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 4140 46C258 imprimé / autre CRDM 46/ANALYSE FONCTIONNELLE Disponible the Lebesgue-nikodym theorem for vector valued radon measures / Thomas, Erik
Titre : the Lebesgue-nikodym theorem for vector valued radon measures Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Thomas, Erik Editeur : Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society Année de publication : 1974 Collection : Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0065-9266 num. 139 Importance : ii - 101 p. Langues : Anglais Catégories : 28-XX Measure and integration :28BXX Set functions, measures and integrals with values in abstract spaces:28B05 Vector-valued set functions, measures and integrals
46-XX Functional analysis :46GXX Measures, integration, derivative, holomorphy (all involving infinite-dimensional spaces) :46G05 Derivatives
46-XX Functional analysis :46GXX Measures, integration, derivative, holomorphy (all involving infinite-dimensional spaces) :46G10 Vector-valued measures and integrationMots-clés : lebesgue- radon-nikodym vector valued measures radon measures Index. décimale : Mem the Lebesgue-nikodym theorem for vector valued radon measures [texte imprimé] / Thomas, Erik . - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 1974 . - ii - 101 p.. - (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0065-9266; 139) .
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 28-XX Measure and integration :28BXX Set functions, measures and integrals with values in abstract spaces:28B05 Vector-valued set functions, measures and integrals
46-XX Functional analysis :46GXX Measures, integration, derivative, holomorphy (all involving infinite-dimensional spaces) :46G05 Derivatives
46-XX Functional analysis :46GXX Measures, integration, derivative, holomorphy (all involving infinite-dimensional spaces) :46G10 Vector-valued measures and integrationMots-clés : lebesgue- radon-nikodym vector valued measures radon measures Index. décimale : Mem Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 15336 Mem/139 imprimé / autre CRDM Mem/MEMOIRS AMS Disponible Topics in nonlinear functional analysis / Nirenberg, Louis
Titre : Topics in nonlinear functional analysis Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Nirenberg, Louis ; Artino, Ralph A. Mention d'édition : Revised reprint of the 1974 original Editeur : Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society Année de publication : 2001 Collection : Courant Lecture Notes in Mathematics num. 06 Importance : xii - 145 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-8218-2819-9 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 46-XX Functional analysis :46GXX Measures, integration, derivative, holomorphy (all involving infinite-dimensional spaces) :46G05 Derivatives
46-XX Functional analysis :46JXX Commutative Banach algebras and commutative topological algebras :46J15 Banach algebras of differentiable or analytic functions, $H^p$-spaces
47-XX Operator theory:47-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
47-XX Operator theory:47HXX Nonlinear operators and their properties :47H05 Monotone operators (with respect to duality)
47-XX Operator theory:47HXX Nonlinear operators and their properties :47H11 Degree theoryMots-clés : leray-schauder degree theory homotopic theory of continuous mappings sard's lemma brouwer-hopf degree calculus in banach spaces topological degree in banach space Index. décimale : 47C Monographie Topics in nonlinear functional analysis [texte imprimé] / Nirenberg, Louis ; Artino, Ralph A. . - Revised reprint of the 1974 original . - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 2001 . - xii - 145 p. . - (Courant Lecture Notes in Mathematics; 06) .
ISBN : 978-0-8218-2819-9
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 46-XX Functional analysis :46GXX Measures, integration, derivative, holomorphy (all involving infinite-dimensional spaces) :46G05 Derivatives
46-XX Functional analysis :46JXX Commutative Banach algebras and commutative topological algebras :46J15 Banach algebras of differentiable or analytic functions, $H^p$-spaces
47-XX Operator theory:47-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
47-XX Operator theory:47HXX Nonlinear operators and their properties :47H05 Monotone operators (with respect to duality)
47-XX Operator theory:47HXX Nonlinear operators and their properties :47H11 Degree theoryMots-clés : leray-schauder degree theory homotopic theory of continuous mappings sard's lemma brouwer-hopf degree calculus in banach spaces topological degree in banach space Index. décimale : 47C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 13823 47C60 imprimé / autre CRDM 47/THEORIE DES OPERATEURS Disponible