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Algebraic cobordism / Marc Levine
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 17774 14C264 imprimé / autre CRDM 14/GEOMETRIE ALGEBRIQUE Disponible Asymptotic cones and functions in optimization and variational inequalities / Auslender, Alfred
Titre : Asymptotic cones and functions in optimization and variational inequalities Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Auslender, Alfred ; Teboulle, Marc Editeur : New York, NY : Springer Année de publication : 2003 Collection : Springer Monographs in Mathematics Importance : xii - 249 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-387-95520-9 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 49-XX Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization :49-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
49-XX Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization :49JXX Existence theories:49J40 Variational methods including variational inequalities
90-XX Operations research, mathematical programming:90CXX Mathematical programming :90C30 Nonlinear programmingMots-clés : subdifferential duality subdifferential calculus stability of constrained optimization problems variational inequalities asymptotic functions asymptotic cones Index. décimale : 49C Monographie Asymptotic cones and functions in optimization and variational inequalities [texte imprimé] / Auslender, Alfred ; Teboulle, Marc . - New York, NY : Springer, 2003 . - xii - 249 p.. - (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) .
ISBN : 978-0-387-95520-9
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 49-XX Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization :49-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
49-XX Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization :49JXX Existence theories:49J40 Variational methods including variational inequalities
90-XX Operations research, mathematical programming:90CXX Mathematical programming :90C30 Nonlinear programmingMots-clés : subdifferential duality subdifferential calculus stability of constrained optimization problems variational inequalities asymptotic functions asymptotic cones Index. décimale : 49C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 15564 49C69 imprimé / autre CRDM 49/CALCUL DES VARIATIONS, CONTROL OPTIMAL Disponible Blocks of finite groups / Lluis Puig
Titre : Blocks of finite groups : the hyperfocal subalgebra of a block Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Lluis Puig Editeur : New York, NY : Springer Année de publication : 2002 Collection : Springer Monographs in Mathematics Importance : v - 213 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-540-43514-3 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 20-XX Group theory and generalizations:20-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
20-XX Group theory and generalizations:20CXX Representation theory of groups :20C05 Group rings of finite groups and their modules
20-XX Group theory and generalizations:20CXX Representation theory of groups :20C20 Modular representations and charactersMots-clés : block algebras group algebras finite groups pointed groups hyperfocal subalgebras source algebras blocks Index. décimale : 20C Monographie Blocks of finite groups : the hyperfocal subalgebra of a block [texte imprimé] / Lluis Puig . - New York, NY : Springer, 2002 . - v - 213 p.. - (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) .
ISBN : 978-3-540-43514-3
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 20-XX Group theory and generalizations:20-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
20-XX Group theory and generalizations:20CXX Representation theory of groups :20C05 Group rings of finite groups and their modules
20-XX Group theory and generalizations:20CXX Representation theory of groups :20C20 Modular representations and charactersMots-clés : block algebras group algebras finite groups pointed groups hyperfocal subalgebras source algebras blocks Index. décimale : 20C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 16458 20C74 imprimé / autre CRDM 20/THEORIE DES GROUPES GENERALISATIONS Disponible Brownian motion, obstacles and random media / Sznitman, Alain-Sol
Titre : Brownian motion, obstacles and random media Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Sznitman, Alain-Sol Editeur : New York, NY : Springer Année de publication : 1998 Collection : Springer Monographs in Mathematics Importance : xvi - 353 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-540-64554-2 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 60-XX Probability theory and stochastic processes :60-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
60-XX Probability theory and stochastic processes :60JXX Markov processes:60J45 Probabilistic potential theory
60-XX Probability theory and stochastic processes :60KXX Special processes:60K40 Other physical applications of random processesMots-clés : enlargement of obstacles brownian survival poisson obstacles random media brownian motion Index. décimale : 60C Monographie Brownian motion, obstacles and random media [texte imprimé] / Sznitman, Alain-Sol . - New York, NY : Springer, 1998 . - xvi - 353 p. . - (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) .
ISBN : 978-3-540-64554-2
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 60-XX Probability theory and stochastic processes :60-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
60-XX Probability theory and stochastic processes :60JXX Markov processes:60J45 Probabilistic potential theory
60-XX Probability theory and stochastic processes :60KXX Special processes:60K40 Other physical applications of random processesMots-clés : enlargement of obstacles brownian survival poisson obstacles random media brownian motion Index. décimale : 60C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 14266 60C221 imprimé / autre CRDM 60/THEORIE DES PROBABILITES ET PROCESSUS STOCHASTICS Disponible Cellular automata and groups / Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein
Titre : Cellular automata and groups Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein, Auteur ; Coornaert, Michel, Auteur Editeur : New York, NY : Springer Année de publication : 2010 Collection : Springer Monographs in Mathematics Importance : xvii - 439 p. Format : 25 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-642-14033-4 Langues : Anglais Catégories : 37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory :37-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory :37BXX Topological dynamics :37B15 Cellular automata
68-XX Computer science :68QXX Theory of computing:68Q80 Cellular automataMots-clés : cellular automata amenable groups Garden of Eden theorem surjunctivity symbolic dynamics word growth entropy sofic groups linear cellular automata Index. décimale : 37C Monographie Cellular automata and groups [texte imprimé] / Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein, Auteur ; Coornaert, Michel, Auteur . - New York, NY : Springer, 2010 . - xvii - 439 p. ; 25 cm. - (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) .
ISBN : 978-3-642-14033-4
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : 37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory :37-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory :37BXX Topological dynamics :37B15 Cellular automata
68-XX Computer science :68QXX Theory of computing:68Q80 Cellular automataMots-clés : cellular automata amenable groups Garden of Eden theorem surjunctivity symbolic dynamics word growth entropy sofic groups linear cellular automata Index. décimale : 37C Monographie Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 20579 37C64 imprimé / autre CRDM 37/SYSTEMES DYNAMIQUES, THEORIE ERGODIQUE Disponible Class field theory / Gras, Georges
PermalinkClassical potential theory / Armitage, David H.
PermalinkCombinatorial foundation of homology and homotopy / Baues, Hans J.
PermalinkComplex analysis on infinite dimensional spaces / Dineen, Sean
PermalinkComplex semisimple Lie algebras / Serre, Jean-Pierre
PermalinkConstant mean curvature surfaces with boundary / Rafael Lopez
PermalinkConvex polyhedra / A. D. Alexandrov
PermalinkPermalinkDigraphs / Bang-Jensen, Jørgen
PermalinkElementary and analytic theory of algebraic numbers / Narkiewicz, Wladyslaw